Hey there, My name is Sarah Hodgson, I'm currently 27 years old and I'm an artist. I'm from New Orleans, Louisiana and still currently reside in the area. I have a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts with a focus in Digital Art from the University of New Orleans.
I call myself an artist because I grew up doodling and drawing on any surface I could get my hands on. In terms in drawing/sketching, I'm drawn (no pun intended) towards foliage and architecture. I enjoy drawing flowers and trees, but also houses and buildings. There is a beautiful geometric symmetry between man-made structures and the wonders of mother nature. As they say, art imitates life (or vice versa).
I was gifted my first camera at the age of 9. It was a small blue Kodak with a grand total of 3 megapixels. I've since matured a bit in terms of equipment, and megapixels, and have recently made the switch from Canon 77D to a mirror-less Fujifilm X-T3. I still have that little blue Kodak as a reminder of what a child's random Christmas present can turn into. Professionally, I began my journey into photography in college between 2012-2016 during some digital art classes using the school's equipment to make green screen footage and stop-motion animation. I received my first entry-level professional DSLR as a graduation present and my interest took off immediately.
From there I spent my time reading and researching all I could in order to absorb as much information as possible. I made a lot of mistakes and I made a lot of lifelong memories learning from those mistakes. One of my favorite things about photography is that I'm never finished learning how to improve my art. It has taught me patience, admiration, and perseverance.
Photography to me has become more than a hobby; it has become a way of life. It became a way of preserving the things in my life that I was afraid to lose. The people and creatures that I love will never be far away if I have their image forever. Crumbling buildings covered in ivy may be abandoned, but their legacy lives on through my lens. The hibiscus, my favorite flower, only blooms for a couple days, but blooms forever through my photos.
Thank you for taking the time to check out my website!

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